Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Students Today

Although I am a non-traditional student, I can relate to the message of the video A Vision of Students Today. Student loans, sleepless nights, and $100 or more textbooks that are used seldom, if ever, are a part of our lives now. We study from traditional books as well as e-books, and much of it does not have a direct relation to the career we are preparing for. As a future Elementary School teacher, I don't believe my job will be obsolete before I graduate, but some people will face that situation, as well as the reverse; training for jobs that have not been created yet. Hard to imagine! For non-students, this video does a good job of giving the viewer a gimpse of what our lives are like.

If I could add anything to this video, it would be the perspective of the students like myself. Those of us who are married, have children, and still carry a full course load (I carry 15 hours) have a different set of challenges in addition to those that traditional students face.

As for the quality of the video, the text was a bit difficult to read at times. This was due to mainly two reasons: the camera moved away from the message too quickly, and at times was too shaky.

All in all, it was a good video that presented an excellent message.

1 comment:

  1. Not everything has to DIRECTLY related to a career. Note the emphasis you put on critical thinking in your post about Mrs. Hines.
