Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Review of The Technologically Literate Teacher

Unfortunately, it was quite difficult to view the video The Technologically Literate Teacher . That said, it did give me the opportunity to know some things I don't want to do on my video cast. The ladies did not look at the camera, instead, they looked at their papers most of the time. Eye contact with the camera is, in essence, eye contact with the audience. It would also be better if the dialogue flowed more like a conversation instead of a presentation of facts.
The sound quality was good, as was the picture quality, but unfortunately, it was just too long. One of the ladies did seem to use her notes a lot less than the others, which was a good thing. Maybe had the setting been a bit more casual they might could have relaxed a bit more. Good effort though.

1 comment:

  1. Too long, not enough organization (partly my fault), 2 did not participate, not enough attention to the camera.
