This past week Dr. Strange asked us to look at a series of posts/blogs about Kaia, a 3 year old in Qatar. The three posts are not all by Kaia, but rather are about her, and how her journey into blogging is affecting the world. Dear Kaia is a photo essay done by Kaia. Her dad provided the written material, but the photos are all hers. It was a new experience to see things through the eye of a 3 year old. Kudos to her dad for encouraging her. Mr. Chamberlain's class then posted a voicethread and video as a response to Kaia's blog. How they found it is still not clear to me, but that does not matter, I guess. I like that they took the time to not only respond to Kaia, but that they responded in a way that she could fully comprehend. I wonder if she realizes that people on the other side of the world are taking note of the things she does, and truly enjoys her work. Her dad certainly does. In response to the voicethread and video, he posted his take on the photo essay and how it all came to be.
This assignment made me think about how a small pebble thrown into the big pond makes ripples beyond where you can even imagine. It's fascinating to follow the ripples, and see where they happen to go.
When people wake up and realize the positive impact blogging can have on education. We can "meet" a wonderful array of people from all over the world without ever leaving the country. Education can go so much farther if we give technology half a chance; otherwise, we may see education as we know it die an early death.
Excellent post. Take a look at Dillon Rogers (TT2) blog. You will enjoy it and it is another demonstration of the ripple/wave that has begun.